
  • 我要走了。再见。
    I have to go. See you later.
  • 嘿,最近怎么样? 和平时一样。
    Hey,what's up? Nothing much. As usual.
  • 啤酒我来付
    The beer is on me.
  • 你真的要辞职吗?我是说真的。
    Do you really want to quit your job? I mean it.
  • 买单。好的,先生。
    Check,please. Yes,sir.
  • 你在说些什么?别多管闲事。
    What are you talking about? Mind your own business.
  • 我可以留言吗?请稍等。
    May I leave a message please? Hold on.
  • 我是今晚还是明天告诉他?随你的便。
    Shall I tell him tonight or tomorrow? Whatever.
  • 请进。 你先。
    Please come in. After you.
  • 告诉我真相。我不要听胡说八道。我说的是真的。
    Tell me the truth. I don't want nonsense. I am telling the truth.
  • 我们又输了! 振作点! 下次你们会做的更好。
    We lost the game again! Cheer up! You will do better next time.
  • 中午我们吃披萨吧。不行,我讨厌披萨。
    Let's have a pizza for lunch. No way. I hate the pizza.
  • 这是很重要的考试。是的,我会加油的。
    It's an important test. Yes,I'll go for it.
  • 你知道那幢楼的高度吗?我不知道。/你考倒我了。
    Do you know the height of the building? You've got me there. / It beats me.
  • 我做不完作业。你能帮我做点吗?谁管你呀!
    I can't finish my homework.Can you help me to do some? Who cares!
  • 电话铃响了。我来接。
    The phone is ringing. I'll get it.
  • 你什么时候会醒?看情况。
    When will you wake up? It depends.
  • 我能借你的自行车吗?不可能。
    Could I borrow your bike? Out of the question.
  • 请让我来给你开门。谢谢。
    Please allow me to open the door for you. Thank you.
  • 冷静点。没什么大不了的。你不懂。
    Calm down. It's not such a big deal. You won't understand.