
  • 我要走了。再见。
    I have to go. See you later.
  • 我可以明天借你的车吗?当然,没问题。
    Could I borrow your car tomorrow?B: Sure! No problem.
  • 老板在会上非常生气。为什么?出了什么问题吗?
    The boss was very angry at the meeting.B: Why? Is there anything wrong?
  • 你知道警察局在哪里吗?我不知道。
    Do you know where the police station is?B: I don’ t know.
  • 我不是故意撞你的。没关系。
    I didn’t mean to bump into you.B: That’s all right.
  • 真对不起把️你的收音机搞坏了。没关系。
    I am sorry that I broke your radio.B: Never mind.
  • 你要黑色的还是红色的领带?你决定吧。
    Do you want the black tie or the red one?B: You decide.
  • 路上小心。天快黑了。好的。
    Be careful on the road. It‘s getting dark.B:Ok!
  • Sarah 没来。为什么?
    Sarah is not coming.B: Why?
  • 这是你的手机吗?是的,是我的。
    Is this your cell ?B: Yes, it is mine.
  • 我可以借你的车吗?当然可以。
    Could I borrow your car?B: Of course.
  • 我可以用你的电脑吗?当然可以。
    Could I use your computer?B: Sure!
  • 晚安,所有人。晚安,jill。做个好梦。
    Good night, everybody.B: Good night, Jill! Have a sweet dream.
  • 住手/不要吵。我要学习。对不起,我不知道你在学习。
    Knock it off! I am trying to study.B: Sorry, I didn't know that you are studying.
  • 所有人都迟到了。不会吧。
    Everyone's late.B: Not again!
  • 今天到此为止吧。我好累。好吧。
    Let' s call it a day. I am so tired.B: All right!
  • 我真是受够了。为什么?他做了什么?
    I have had enough!B: Why? What did he do?
  • 你好吗?不是很好。我着凉了。
    How are you?B: Not very good. I got a cold.
  • 多保重。你也是。再见。
    Take care!B: You too! Goodbye!
  • 谢谢你送的花。不客气。
    Thank you for the flowers.B: You’re welcome.
  • 你很漂亮!谢谢。
    You are beautiful!B: Thank you.
  • 你知道linda的叔叔是jacky chen吗?别开玩笑了,你怎么知道?
    Did you know that Linda's uncle is Jacky Chen?B: You are joking! How did you know that?
  • 今天你不能出去。为什么不行?
    You can‘t go out today.B:Why not?
  • Betty 和她新男朋友分手了。我不懂怎么会这样。
    Betty broke up with her new boyfriend.B: I don’t understand how could this happen?
  • 你必须把这个表格给第一个柜台。然后呢?我要怎么做?
    You should take this form to the first counter.B: And then?What should I do?
  • 你知道街上新开了一个电影院?是的,那有怎样。
    Do you know there is a new theater down the street?B: Yeah. So what?
  • 你的牛排怎么样?还好。
    How‘s your steak?B: It’s alright.
  • 你伤着了吗?我没事。
    Are you hurt?B: I am OK.
  • 今晚我们去boston。一路顺风。
    We are leaving for Boston tonight.B: Bon voyage.
  • Lucy 在哭。怎么了,发生了什么事?
    Lucy is crying.B: Why? What happened?
  • 我想我考试没过。别装了,这是你第三次提到它了。
    I think I failed my exam.B: Come off it! This is the third time you mention it.
  • 只要走二十分钟。饶了我吧,我的腿受不了了。
    It's only a twenty-minute walk.B: Give me a break! My legs are killing me.
  • 够了。我受够你了。听我解释。
    That's enough. I've had enough of you.B: Please let me explain.
  • 停。你要撞到那棵树了。不要喊了。
    Stop! You are going to bump that tree!B: Stop yelling!
  • 别闹了。小baby在睡觉。对不起。
    Cut it out! The baby is sleeping.B:Sorry about that.
  • 你最好跟她道歉。这次你太过分了。她先打我的。
    You better say sorry to her. You are over the line this time.B: She hit me first.
  • 这是哪里?这里是邮局。
    Where is this?B: This is the post office.
  • 没想到在这里会见到你。我也是。
    It didn't occur to me that I would see you here.B: Neither did I.
  • 看那里。我想是着火了。希望没人受伤。
    Look over there! I think there is a fire.B: I hope that nobody is hurt.
  • Dad,我可以在我们家开party吗?不行,/绝不可能。
    Dad, can I have a party in our house?B: No way! (Absolutely out of the question!)
  • 振作起来,找点乐趣。别烦我。
    Cheer up and go having some fun.B: Just leave me alone.
  • 谁啊?是我。请开门。
    A: Who is it?B: It's me. Open the door.
  • 电影怎么样?太糟了。
    How was the movie?B: It was terrible.
  • 我不想去那个party。来嘛,别害羞。
    I don't want to go to the party. B:Come on! Don't be shy.
  • 你知道我的意思了吗?我知道你的意思了。
    Do you understand me?B: I know what you mean.
  • 现在我们要走了。嘿,等等我。
    We are going to leave now!B: Hey! Wait for me!
  • 你可以不要笑了吗?我忍不住。
    Can you stop laughing?B:I can’t help myself.
  • 我不知道怎么去车站。让我告诉你怎么去。
    I don't know how to get to the station.B: Let me tell you the way.
  • 再见。有空来坐坐。
    Bye! See you next time.B: Remember to drop in sometime.
  • 哇。今晚真棒。yeah,下次再约出来聚聚。
    Wow! What a night!B: Yeah! Let's get together next time.
  • 记得继续努力工作。你说的倒容易。
    Remember to keep up your hard work.B: That's easy for you to say.
  • 对不起,我去下洗手间。请便。
    Excuse me, I want to go to the bathroom.B: Go ahead.
  • 我们从这里跳下去吧。你疯啦。
    Let's jump down from here.B: You’ve got to be out of your mind! (You’re out of your mind!)
  • 不用你告诉我。/还用你说。我已经知道了。我只是想提醒你。
    You don't have to tell me. I know already.B: I am just trying to remind you.
  • 我需要你今晚完成。我不敢保证。
    I need you to finish this tonight.B: I can’t promise.
  • 这里一切都好吗?一切都好。没啥好抱怨的。
    Is everything OK here?B: Everything is fine. I can't complain./I have nothing to complain about.
  • 你的伦敦之旅如何?总而言之太棒了。
    So how was your trip to London?B: It was great in short.
  • 我们无论如何必须完成这些。我想我们无法完成。
    We have to get these done in any case.B: I don‘t think that we can make it.
  • 你敢从墙上跳下来吗?我不敢。
    Do you dare to jump off that wall?B: I dare not.
  • 幸会。欢迎欢迎。请进。
    Nice to meet you.B: Welcome. Please come in.
  • Tony 考试没过。更惨的是他女朋友要和他分手。
    Tony failed the exam.B: What’s even worse is that his girlfriend wants to break up with him.
  • 我要买这手表吗?不,它不值。
    Should I buy this watch?B: No, it's not worth it.
  • 请坐。王先生马上来。谢谢。
    Please take a seat / be seated, Mr. Wang will be right with you.B: Thank you.
  • 你好吗?我很好/再好也不过了。谢谢。
    How are you?B: I am fine /It couldn't be better, thank you.
  • 那些书在哪里?它们应该在书架上。
    Where are the books?B: They are supposed to be on the shelf.
  • 请别再说了。对不起,我不知道我打扰到你了。
    Please don’t say any more.B: I'm sorry! I don’ t know that I am bothering you.
  • 我想我们在哪见过。你看起来很面熟。
    I think we have met somewhere.B: You look really familiar.
  • 你要我们等你多久?再等五分钟。
    How long do you want us to wait for you?B: Five more minutes.
  • 快一点。你上学要迟到了。来了,来了。
    Hurry up! You are going to be late for school.B: Coming, coming.
  • 你要去哪里?我要去银行。
    Where are you going?B: I am off to the bank.
  • 走开,我想坐这里。你以为你是谁啊。
    Move! I want to sit here.B:Who do you think you are?
  • 幸会。幸会。
    Nice to meet you!B: My pleasure.
  • 你介意我在这里抽烟吗?不,我不介意。
    Do you mind if I smoke here?B: No, I don't mind.
  • 你为什么这么生气?他把水倒我身上。那真的惹毛我了。
    Why are you so mad?B: He poured water on me. That really burns me up!
  • 我数学考了100分。干得好。
    I got 100 in math!B: Good job!/Great job!/Nice going.
  • 我可以约你出去吗?门都没有。
    Could I ask you out?B: Not in your lifetime!
  • 请再重复一遍好吗?我没明白。当然可以,我再说一遍。
    Could you repeat that? I didn't get it.B: Sure! I will say it again.
  • 这页上的logo贴纸我需要去掉吗?就这样吧,看上去很好。
    Should I take out the logo sticker on this page?B: No, let it be. It looks pretty good.
  • 我可以进来吗?请进。
    May I come in?B: Please!
  • 最近在忙些什么?照旧。
    What are you up to lately?B:The same things.
  • 恐怕马上要下雨了。带把伞吧。
    I'm afraid it is going to rain soon. Bring an umbrella with you.